Roane State Community College

Faculty Senate Minutes

August 26, 2005

Harriman Campus 1pm


Members present:

President:                                 Safdie, Robert (Business/Technology)

Vice President:                         Lanza, Don (Social Science)

Secretary:                                 Crotty, Pat (Health Science/Nursing)

Past President:                          Alfonso, Robert (Learning Center)

Sub Council:                             Denison, Betty (Math/Science) (not present)

Business/Technology:              Fox, Brad; Meghabghab, George; Wurth, Pat

Health Science/Nursing:          Young, Marty

Humanities:                             Knox, Jim; Thomason, Sarah; Hilliard, Peggy

Math/Science:                         Bailey, Pat; Denton, Jill; Lee, Arthur; Condon, Jim; Robertson, Carolyn

Social Science:                         Cordell, Sharon; Gomezdelcampo,Lil;  Doyle, Jim; 

                                                Heidinger; Gary; Schramm, Bill

Library:                                   Ellis, Rosemary


Guests: Dr. Gary Goff


1. 2005-2006 officers were introduced by Robert Safdie.

2. Agenda was approved

3. April 27, 2005 minutes were approved with the addition of #7(see minutes) as an amendment.

4. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to 2004-2005 Faculty Senate Officers.

5. Treasurer’s report - presented by Pat Crotty - Faculty Senate budget is $720. A large part of that budget is travel to attend Faculty Sub council meetings. $370 is considered “operating”. Cathy Smith will do requisitions for reimbursement as needed.

6. Appointment of Parliamentarian: Floor was opened for a volunteer or nomination of a parliamentarian. None received. It was suggested by Pat Bailey that this position may be filled by faculty other than a Faculty Senate Representative.

7. Committee Reports:

            A. Faculty Evaluation Committee: Don Lanza – gave brief update and discussed on-line versus in class evaluation tool. Faculty with recommendations

            should send input to division representatives.

            B. Promotion & Tenure Policy Review Committee: Sarah Thomason- gave a brief update and goals of this committee. Discussed TBR policy changes        April/May 2004 and how this affects RSCC policy.  Stated committee goals: match language; prevent problems; rid policy of passive voice.

8. Presidential Selection Process Summary & Introduction to Dr. Goff: Robert Safdie -gave a brief report of the selection process and how faculty were informed by placing information on the process, timetable, and candidates resumes on the internet. Carolyn Roberson – gave a brief report as Faculty Representative on Pre-Search Committee.

9.  Faculty Sub Council – Robert Safdie – Discussed salary chart of thirteen community colleges in Tennessee reflecting RSCC with the highest average faculty salary ($45,536).

10. Dr. Goff, President of RSCC. Discussed interview process and selection. Stated policy of “open door” with Faculty Senate voice in how RSCC will run. Discussed shared governance and offered to return at Faculty Senate request for future discussions.

11. Old Business:

            A. Keys and Building Access – Robert Safdie stated coordinator of ORBC will be invited to next Faculty Senate Meeting to discuss solutions. Dr. Goff

            expressed support. Dr. Goff stated he understood faculty need to have access to offices. Dr. Goff expressed support in accomplishing this goal in a manner

            maintaining security of facilities and faculty.

12. New Business:

            A. Motion: This year, an action brought before the Faculty Senate under new business may be discussed, but no vote may be taken (other than referral

            to a committee for study) until the following regular meeting, or a special called meeting (needs 2/3 majority vote to pass.) (Sponsored by Robert Safdie)                Robert Safdie discussed the purpose of this motion and how it would work. This motion passed after a brief discussion. 

            This year, issues presented to Division Faculty Senate Representatives will be written as a motion/action and presented to Faculty Senate President prior to

            each meeting (i.e. 5 days) and will be included in the agenda.

            B. Should RSCC hire help desk assistants for each computer lab? Presenter of this motion was not available nor were Senators able to grasp a clear or full

            understanding of this request. Don Lanza suggested no action on this motion but that it be included on the agenda at the next Faculty Senate meeting for full             discussion and presenter be available at next meeting. Senators agreed.

            C. Next meeting: Unable to confirm next meeting date or time. It was suggested asking Kathy Smith drop all Faculty Senators schedule into a calendar to

            determine a date most senators would be available to meet. Robert Safdie suggested next meeting be 3rd or 4th week of September.

            D. Further discussion occurred related to A above. It was suggested by Pat Bailey all Faculty be notified of Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda and minutes

            and that these be made available via email. Note: Approved minutes are available on Faculty Senate Web page at

            E. Marty Young presented the issue noted in multiple emails this week related to Professional Development days and some faculty requesting that this

            be limited to one day at the beginning of the academic year. No action was taken.

            F. It was requested that Technology Committee actions from Spring be included next meeting agenda.


Meeting  adjourned at 2:45pm


Respectfully submitted and approved September 29 2006

Pat Crotty, MSN Associate Professor/Skills Lab Coordinator

Division of Health Science/Nursing

Secretary RSCC Faculty Senate 2005-06